Saturday, 2 January 2010

2010 - What Will It Bring?

It's come to that time again where I've wondered if anyone caeres about my life. Perhaps its time to document it in some form or another. I've got a lot of memories from the last ten years, but I am quite happy to put a seal and archive that part of my life and see what the next decade has in store for me.

I was awestruck as I walked back from the pub on New Years Eve. The whole community had come together and celebrated a timestamp on this planet as one. It has always pleased me that for this one night, as far as anyone can tell people put aside all differences and enjoy themselves. All around the world we see people cheering, and revelling in the chance to start afresh - to reinvent, or revamp their personal selves into something that is even more fabulous than before. It was walking down the street and thinking these things that I happened to glance up, and there I was greeted by tens of chinese lanterns. At every corner of the sky that you looked at there was a lantern swooping across the sky - moving ever closer towards the summit of its journey. Even before Vicky and I reached home we could see more lanterns that had been sent off.

I thought that I would share this momentous moment with you all, and hope that everyone has a great start to their New Year!

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